About Us

Our research group includes students, postdoctoral fellows and research professors with scientific backgrounds spanning chemistry, biology, engineering and many other fields.

A researcher using a pipette

Kelley group members come from all over the world and we value having people from many different backgrounds.

Over the ten years, we have generated ~ 200 publications, ~ 50 Ph.D. students / postdoctoral trainees, and have started four new companies based on technologies developed in the group. Our trainees have taken exciting positions at top-tier universities and companies around the world.

We have laboratories at Northwestern in Evanston as well as Chicago. Our group benefits tremendously from the world-class facilities on campus.

Downtown Chicago Lab

The Kelley Labs team meeting at a table
Two researchers in the Chicago lab
Two researchers handling samples
A researcher using a pipette
A close-up photo of some samples
A researcher using a pipette
Three researchers discussing some paperwork
Two researchers in a lab

Evanston Lab

Silverman Hall for Molecular Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Two researchers using a machine
A group of researches inspecting a test tube
Researchers at a computer
The Kelley team discussing research
Two researchers in the Evanston lab
A close up of a pipette
Two researchers inspecting a disc

Learn More About Our Research

The projects underway involve aspects of diverse disciplines!