

“Mitochondrial Probe for Glutathione Depletion Reveals NME3 Essentiality for Mitochondrial Redox Response.”

P. Dhavarasa, T. Sack, C.P. Cerrato, A.P. Cheng, Y.Y. Zhang, K. Chen, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Chemical Biology, 2024.

“Self‐Healing Materials for Bioelectronic Devices.”

C. Liu, S.O. Kelley, Z. Wang.
Advanced Materials, 2024, 2401219.

“Self-Assembled Monolayer Transporters Enable Reagentless Analysis of Small Molecule Analytes.”

C. Flynn, K.T. Riordan, T.L. Young, D. Chang, Z. Wu, S.E. Isaacson, H. Yousefi, J. Das, S.O. Kelley.
ACS sensors, 2024.

“Phenotypic Targeting using Magnetic Nanoparticles for Rapid Characterization of Cellular Proliferation Regulators.”

Z. Wang, H. Wang, S. Lin, S. Angers, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Science Advances, 2024, 10, 19.

“Identification of Druggable Regulators of Cell Secretion Via a Kinome-Wide Screen and High-Throughput Immunomagnetic Cell Sorting.”

M. Labib, Z. Wang, Y. Kim, S. Lin, A. Abdrabou, H. Yousefi, P. Lo, S. Angers. E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2024, 8, 263–277.

“Self-Assembled Monolayer Transporters Enable Reagentless Analysis of Small Molecule Analytes.”

C. FlynnK. RiordanT. YoungD. ChangZ. WuS. IsaacsonH. YousefiJ. DasS.O. Kelley.
bioRxiv, 2024.


“CRISPR Screening in Tandem with Targeted mtDNA Damage Reveals WRNIP1 Essentiality.”

T. Sack, P. Dhavarasa, D. Szames, S. O’Brien, S. Angers, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Chemical Biology, 2023, 18, 12, 2599-2609.

“Apta FastZ: An Algorithm for the Rapid Identification of Aptamers with Defined Binding Affinities.”

Z. Wang, D. Chang, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95, 48, 17438-17443.

“Self-Assembled Homopolymeric Spherulites from Small Molecules in Solution.”

Q. Song, Y. Li, Z. Jin, H. Liu, M.N. Creyer, W. Yim, Y. Huang, X. Hu, T. He, Y. Li, S.O. Kelley, L. Shi, J. Zhou, J.V. Jokerst.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023, 145, 47, 25664-25672.

“A Magneto-Activated Nanoscale Cytometry Platform for Molecular Profiling of Small Extracellular Vesicles.”

K. Chen, B. Duong, S. Ahmed, P. Dhavarasa, Z. Wang, M. Labib, C. Flynn, J. Xu, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, X. Yang, J. Das, H. Zargartalebi, Y. Ma, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 5576.

“Isolation of Tumour-Reactive Lymphocytes from Peripheral Blood Via Microfluidic Immunomagnetic Cell Sorting.”

Z. Wang, S. Ahmed, M. Labib, H. Wang, L. Wu, F. Bavaghar-Zaeimi, N. Shokri, S. Blanco, S. Karim, K. Czarnecka-Kujawa, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2023, 7, 1188–1203.

“Biomolecular Sensors for Advanced Physiological Monitoring.”

C. Flynn, D. Chang, A. Mahmud, H. Yousefi, J. Das, K. Riordan, E. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Reviews Bioengineering, 2023, 1, 560-575.

“A High-Dimensional Microfluidic Approach for Selection of Aptamers with Programmable Binding Affinities.”

D. Chang, Z. Wang, C. Flynn, A. Mahmud, M. Labib, H. Wang, A. Geraili, X. Li, J. Zhang, E. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Chemistry, 2023, 15, 773–780.

“Monitoring Cardiac Biomarkers with Aptamer-Based Molecular Pendulum Sensors.”

A. Mahmud, D. Chang, J. Das, S. Gomis, F. Foroutan, J. Chen, L. Pandey, C. Flynn, H. Yousefi, A. Geraili, H. Ross, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie, 2023, 62, e202213567.

“Abstract B014: Phenotypic CRISPR Genome-Wide Screening for the Discovery of Genetic Regulators of Allele-Specific Mutant KRAS.”

X. Hu, R. Atwal, and S.O. Kelley.
Molecular Cancer Research, 2023, 21, 5_Supplement, B014.

“Highly Stable Bio-Templated InP/ZnSe/ZnS Quantum Dots for Specific Monitoring of Bacterial Membrane Proteins.”

H. Yousefi, L. Sagar, A. Geraili, D. Chang, F. Garcia de Arquer, C. Flynn, S. Lee, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Chem Rxiv, 2023, 1.

“Efficient Delivery of Biological Cargos into Primary Cells by Electrodeposited Nanoneedles via Cell-Cycle-Dependent Endocytosis.”

Z. Wang, H. Wang, S. Lin, M. Labib, S. Ahmed, J. Das, S. Angers, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nano Letters, 2023, 13, 5877-5885.

“CRISPR-Induced DNA Reorganization for Multiplexed Nucleic Acid Detection.”

M. Karlikow, E. Amalfitano, X. Yang, J. Doucet, A. Chapman, P.S. Mousavi, P. Homme, P. Sutyrina, W. Chan, S. Lemak, A. Yakunin, A. Dolezal, S.O. Kelley, L. Foster, B. Harpur, K. Pardee.
Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 1505.

“Digital Microfluidics as an Emerging Tool for Bacterial Protocals.”

C. Nemr, A. Sklavounos, A. Wheeler, S.O. Kelley.
SLAS Technology, 2023, 28, 1, 2-15.

“Capillary-Assisted Molecular Pendulum Bioanalysis”

H. Zargartalebi, H. Yousefi, C. Flynn, S. Gomis, J. Das, T. Young, E. Chien, S. Mubareka, A. McGeer, H. Wang, E.H. Sargent, A.S. Nezhad, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022, 144, 40, 18338-18349.

“Genome-wide in Vivo Screen of Circulating Tumor Cells Identifies SLIT2 as a Regulator of Metastasis.”

F. Xia, Y. Ma, K. Chen, B. Duong, S. Ahmed, R. Atwal, D. Philpott, T. Ketela, J. Pantea, S. Lin, S. Angers, S. O. Kelley.
Science Advances, 2022, 8, 35.

“Nanoparticle Amplification Labeling for High-Performance Magnetic Cell Sorting.”

Z. Wang, H. Wang, S. Lin, S. Ahmed, S. Angers, E. H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nano Letters, 2022, 22, 12, 4774-4783.

“Efficient Recovery of Potent Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Through Quantitative Immunomagnetic Cell Sorting.”

Z. Wang, S. Ahmed, M. Labib, H. Wang, X. Hu, J. Wei, Y. Yao, J. Moffat, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2022, 6, 108-117.

“Rapid On-Cell Selection of High-Performance Human Antibodies.”

D. Philpott, S. Gomis, H. Wang, R. Atwal, A. Kelil, T. Sack, B. Morningstar, C. Burnie, E.H. Sargent, S. Angers, S.S. Sidhu, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Central Science, 2022, 8, 1, 102-109.

“Ultrathroughput Immunomagnetic Cell Sorting Platform.”

D. Philpott, K. Chen, R. Atwal, D. Li, J. Christie, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Lab on a Chip, 2022, 24, 4822-4830.

“Challenges and Opportunities for Wearable Sensing Systems.”

S.O. Kelley.
ACS Sensors, 2022, 7, 2, 345-346.

“PillarX: A Microfluidic Device to Profile Circulating Tumor Cell Clustors Based on Geometry, Deformability, and Epithelial State.”

B. Green, M. Marazzini, B. Hershey, A. Fardin, Q. Li, Z. Wang, G. Giangreco, F. Pisati, S. Marchesi, A. Disanza, E. Martini, S. Magni, G.V. Beznoussenko, C. Vernieri. R. Lobefaro, D. Parazzoli, P. Maiuri, K. Havas, M. Labib, S. Sigismund, P.P. Di Fiore, R.H. Gunby, S.O. Kelley, G. Scita.
Nano Micro Small, 2022, 18, 17, 2106097.

“nuPRISM: Microfluidic Genome-Wide Phenotypic Screening Platform for Cellular Nuclei.”

A. Abdrabou, B. Duong, K. Chen, R. Atwal, M. Labib, S. Lin, S. Angers, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Central Science, 2022, 8, 12, 1618-1626.


“Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Particles using Direct, Reagent-Free Electrochemical Sensing.”

H. Yousefi, A. Mahmud, D. Chang, J. Das, S. Gomis, J.B. Chen, H. Wang, T. Been, L.Yip, E. Coomes, Z. Li, S. Mubareka, A. McGeer, N. Christie, S. Gray-Owen, A. Cochrane, J.M. Rini, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143, 1722-1727.

“Ultrasensitive Detection of Rare Leukemic B Cells in T Cell Populations via Immunomagnetic Cell Ranking.”

Z. Wang, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 4, 2327-2335.

“AbCellera’s Success is Unprecedented: What Have We Learned?”

D. Sinton, S.O. Kelley.
Lab on a Chip, 2021, 12, 2330-2332.

“Multication Perovskite 2D/3D Interfaces Form via Progressive Dimensional Reduction.”

A. Proppe, A. Johnston, S. Teale, A. Mahata, R. Quintero-Bermudez, E. Jung, L. Grater, T. Cui, T. Fileter, C.-Y. Kim, , S.O. Kelley, F. De Angelis, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 1-9.

“Cell-Free DNA and Circulating Tumor Cell Kinetics in a Pre-Clinical Head and Neck Cancer Model Undergoing Radiation Therapy.”

N. Muhanna, D. Eu, H. Chan, C. Douglas, J. Townson, M. Di Grappa, R. Mohamadi, S.O. Kelley, S. Bratman, J. Irish.
BMC Cancer, 2021, 1075, 15606-15615.

“Phage-Based Profiling of Rare Single Cells Using Nanoparticle-Directed Capture.”

Y. Ma, K. Chen, F. Xia, R. Atwal, H. Wang, S.U. Ahmed, L. Cardarelli, I. Lui, B. Duong, Z. Wang, J. A. Wells,  S.S. Sidhu, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 12, 19202-19210.

“Bright and Stable Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Perovskite Quantum Dots in Perovskite Matrix.”

Y. Liu, Y. Dong, T. Zhu. D. Ma, A. Proppe, B. Chen, C. Zheng,  Y. Hou, S. Lee, B. Sun, E. H. Jung, F. Yuan, Y. Wang, L. Sagar, S. Hoogland, F. Garcia de Arquer, M.Choi, K. Singh, S.O. Kelley, O. Voznyy, Z. Lu, E. H. Sargent.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143, 15606-15615.

“Tracking the Expression of Therapeutic Protein Targets in Rare Cells by Antibody-Mediated Nanoparticle Labelling and Magnetic Sorting.”

M. Labib, Z. Wang, S.U. Ahmed, R.M. Mohamadi, B. Duong, B. Green, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2021, 5, 41-52.

“Circulating Tumor Cell Profiling for Precision Oncology.”

M. Labib, S.O. Kelley.
Molecular Oncology, 2021, 15, 1622-1646.

“COVID-19: A Crisis Creating New Opportunities for Sensing.”

S.O. Kelley.
ACS Sensors, 2020, 6, 4, 1407.

“Mitochondrial ATP Fuels ABC Transporter-mediated Drug Efflux in Cancer Chemoresistance.”

E. L. Giddings, E. P. Champagne, M.-H. Wu, J. M. Laffin, T. M. Thornton, F. Valenca-Pereira, R. Culp-Hill, K. A. Fortner, N. Romero, J. East, P. Cao, H. Arias-Pulido, K. S. Sidhu, B. Silverstrim. Y. Kam, S.O. Kelley, M. Pereira, S. E. Bates, J. Y. Bunn, S. N. Fiering, D. E. Matthews, R. W. Robey, D. Stich, A. D’Alessandro, M. Rincon.
Nature Communicaitons, 2021, 12, 1-19.

“Reagentless Biomolecular Analysis Using a Nanoscale Molecular Pendulum.”

J. Das, S. Gomis, J.B. Chen, H. Yousefi, S.Ahmed, A. Mahmud, W. Zhou, E. H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Chemistry, 2021, 14, 428-434.

“A Microfluidic Platform Enables Comprehensive Gene Expression Profiling of Mouse Retinal Stem Cells.”

M. Labib, B. Coles, M. Poudineh, B. Innes, J. Belair-Hickey, S. Gomis, Z. Wang, G. Bader, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley, D. van der Kooy.
Lab on a Chip, 2021, 22, 4464-4476.

“Strategies for Biomolecular Analysis and Continuous Physiological Monitoring.”

A. Clifford, J. Das, H. Yousefi, A. Mahmud, J.B. Chen, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143, 5281-5294.

“Multifunctional 3D-Printed Wound Dressings.”

M. Alizadehgiashi, C.R. Nemr, M. Chekini, D. Pinto Ramos, N. Mittal, S.U. Ahmed, N. Khuu, S.O. Kelley, E. Kumacheva.
ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 12375-12387.

“Bacterial Classification and Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing on an Integrated Microfluidic Platform.”

A.A. Sklavounos, C.R. Nemr, S.O. Kelley, A.R. Wheeler.
Lab on a Chip, 2021, 21, 4208-4222.


“Analyzing Proteins at the Single-Cell Level: The Challenge of the Proteome.”

M. Labib, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Reviews Chemistry, 2020, 4, 143-158.

“Fluorescent Droplet Cytometry for On-Cell Phenotype Tracking.”

X. Yang, W. liu, D. C.-H. Chan, S.U. Ahmed, H. Wang, Z. Wang, C.R. Nemr, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 14805–14809.

“High-Performance Nucleic Acids Sensors for Liquid Biopsy Applications.”

J. Das, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59, 2554-2564.

“Nanostructured Architectures Promote the Mesenchymal–Epithelial Transition for Invasive Cells.”

Z. Wang, F. Xia, M. Labib, M. Ahmadi, H. Chen, J. Das, S.U. Ahmed, S. Angers, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 5324-5336.

“Magnetic Ranking Cytometry: Profiling Rare Cells at the Single-Cell Level.”

M. Labib, D.N. Philpott, Z. Wang, C. Nemr, J.B. Chen, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Accounts of Chemical Research, 2020, 53, 1445-1457.

“A Multiplexed, Electrochemical Interface for Gene Circuit-Based Sensors.”

P. Sadat Mousavi, S.J. Smith, J.B. Chen, M. Karlikow, A. Tinafar, W. Liu, D. Ma, A.A. Green, S.O. Kelley, K. Pardee.
Nature Chemistry, 2020, 12, 48-55.

“A New Era in Liquid Biopsy: From Genotype to Phenotype.”

S.O. Kelley, K. Pantel.
Clinical Chemistry, 2020, 12, 48-55.

“Ultrasensitive and Rapid Quantification of Rare Tumorigenic Stem Cells in hPSC-Derived Cardiomyocyte Populations.”

Z. Wong, M. Gagliardi, R. Mohamadi, S. Ahmed, M. Labib, L. Zhang, S. Popescu, Y. Zhou, E.H. Sargent, G.M. Keller, S.O. Kelley.
Science Advances, 2020, 6, 12, eaay7629.

“Regioselective Magnetization in Semiconducting Nanorods.”

T.-T. Zhuang, Y. Li, X. Gao, M. Wei, F. P. García de Arquer, P. Todorović, J. Tian, G. Li, C. Zhang, X. Li, L. Dong, Y. Song, Y. Lu, X. Yang, L. Zhang, F. Fan, S.O. Kelley, S.-H. Yu, Z. Tang, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2020, 15, 192-197.

“Efficient Electrically Powered CO2 to Ethanol Via Suppression of Deoxygenation”

X. Wang, Z. Wang, F.P. García de Arquer, C.-T. Dinh, A. Ozden, Y.C. Li, D.-H. Nam, J. Li, Y.-S. Liu, J. Wicks, Z. Chen, M. Chi, B.Chen, Y.Wang, J. Tam, J.Y. Howe, A. Proppe, P. Todorović, F. Li, T.-T. Zhuang, C.M. Gabardo, A.R. Kirmani, C. McCallum, S.-F. Hung, Y. Lum, M. Luo, Y. Min, A. Xu, C.P. O’Brien, S. Bello, B. Sun, A.H. Ip, L.J. Richter, S.O. Kelley, D. Sinton, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Energy, 2020, 5, 478-486.

“Multi-cation Perovskites Prevent Carrier Reflection from Grain Surfaces”

M.I. Saidaminov, K. Williams, M. Wei, A. Johnston, R. Quintero-Bermudez, M. Vafaie, J.M. Pina, A.H. Proppe, Y. Hou, G. Walters, S.O. Kelley, W.A. Tisdale, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Materials, 2020, 19, 412-418.

“Efficient Near-infrared Light-emitting Diodes based on Quantum Dots in Layered Perovskite”

L. Gao, L.N. Quan, F.P. García de Arquer, Y. Zhao, R. Munir, A. Proppe, R. Quintero-Bermudez, C. Zou, Z. Yang, M.I. Saidaminov, O. Voznyy, S. Kinge, Z. Lu, .O. Kelley, A. Amassian, J. Tang, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Photonics, 2020, 14, 227-233.

“Catalyst Synthesis Under CO2 Electroreduction Favours Faceting and Promotes Renewable Fuels Electrosynthesis”

Y. Wang, Z. Wang, C.-T. Dinh, A. Li, J.,Ozden, M. Golam Kibria, A. Seifitokaldani, C.-S. Tan, C.M. Gabardo, M. Luo, H. Zhou, F. Li, Y. Lum, C. McCallum, Y. Xu, M. Liu, A. Proppe, A. Johnston, P. Todorovic, T.-T. Zhuang, D. Sinton, S.O. Kelley, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Catalysis, 2020, 3, 98-106.

“Bioinspiration in Light Harvesting and Catalysis”

A.H. Proppe, Y.C. Li, A. Aspuru-Guzik, C.P. Berlinguette, C.J. Chang, R. Cogdell, A.G. Doyle, J. Flick, N.M. Gabor, R. van Grondelle, S. Hammes-Schiffer, S.A. Jaffer, S.O. Kelley, M. Leclerc, K. Leo, T.E. Mallouk, P. Narang, G.S. Schlau-Cohen, G.D. Scholes, A. Vojvodic, J.Y. Yang, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Reviews Materials, 2020, 5, 828-846.

“A Liquid Biopsy for Detecting Circulating Mesothelial Precursor Cells: A New Biomarker for Diagnosis and Prognosis in Mesothelioma”

B. Duong, L. Wu, B. Green, F. Bavaghar-Zaeimi, Z. Wang, M. Labib, Y. Zhou, F. Cantu, T. Jeganthan, S. Popescu, J. Pantea, M. de Perrot, S.O. Kelley.
eBioMedicine, 2020, 61, 103031.

“Mitochondrial Targeting of Probes and Therapeutics to the Powerhouse of the Cell.”

C. Ma, F. Xia, S.O. Kelley.
Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2020, 31, 2650-2667.

“Dimensional Mixing Increases the Efficiency of 2D/3D Perovskite Solar Cells.”

S. Teale, A. Proppe, E.H. Jung, A. Johnston, D. Parmar, B. Chen, Y. Hou, S.O. Kelley, E.H. Sargent.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11, 5115-5119.


“High-Throughput Genome-Wide Phenotypic Screening via Immunomagnetic Cell Sorting.”

B. Mair, P.M. Aldridge, R.S. Atwal, D. Philpott, M. Zhang, S.N. Masud, M. Labib, A.H.Y. Tong, E.H. Sargent, S. Angers, J. Moffat, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2019, 3, 796-805.

“Peptide-Functionalized Nanostructured Microarchitectures Enable Rapid Mechanotransductive Differentiation.”

Z. Wang, L. Zhang, M. Labib, H. Chen, M. Wei, M. Poudineh, B.J. Green, B. Duong, J. Das, S. Ahmed, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2019, 11, 41030-41037.

“Potential-Responsive Surfaces for Dynamic Manipulation of Cell Adhesion, Release and Differentiation.”

L. Zhang, Z. Wang, J. Das, M. Labib, S. Ahmed, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58, 14519-14523.

“Peptide-Mediated Electrochemical Steric Hindrance Assay for One-Step Detection of HIV Antibodies.”

S.S. Mahshid, S. Mahshid, A. Vallée-Bélisle, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 4943-4947.

“Nanoparticle-Mediated Capture and Electrochemical Detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus.”

C.R. Nemr, S.J. Smith, W. Liu, A.H. Mepham, R.M. Mohamadi, M. Labib, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 2847-2853.

“Nanostructure Architectures for Bimolecular Detection Inside and Outside of the Cell.”

J.B. Chen, H. Yousefi, C.R. Nemr, S. Gomis, R. Atwal, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 1907701.

“Phenotypic Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells in Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients Using Nanoparticle-Mediated Ranking.” B.J. Green, V. Nguyen, E. Atenafu, P.

Weeber, B.T.V. Duong, P. Thiagalingam, M. Labib, R.M. Mohamadi, A.R. Hansen, A.M. Joshua, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 9348-9355.

“Lattice Anchoring Stabilizes Solution-Processed Semiconductors.”

M. Liu, Y. Chen, C.S. Tan, R. Quintero-Bermudez, A.H. Proppe, R. Munir, H. Tan, O. Voznyy, B. Scheffel, G. Walters, A.P.T. Kam, B. Sun, M.J. Choi, S. Hoogland, A. Amassian, S.O. Kelley, F.P. García de Arquer, E.H. Sargent.
Nature, 2019, 570, 96-101.

“Anchored Ligands Facilitate Efficient B-Site Doping in Metal Halide Perovskites.”

Z. Yang, M. Wei, O. Voznyy, P. Todorovic, M. Liu, R. Quintero-Bermudez, P. Chen, J.Z. Fan, A.H. Proppe, L.N. Quan, G. Walters, H. Tan, J.W. Chang, U.S. Jeng, S.O. Kelley, E.H. Sargent.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 8296-8305.

“Contactless Measurements of Photocarrier Transport Properties in Perovskite Single Crystals.”

X. Gong, Z. Huang, R. Sabatini, C.S. Tan, G. Bappi, G. Walters, A. Proppe, M.I. Saidaminov, O. Voznyy, S.O. Kelley, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 1591.

“Spectrally Resolved Ultrafast Exciton Transfer in Mixed Perovskite Quantum Wells.”

A.H. Proppe, M.H. Elkins, O. Voznyy, R.D. Pensack, F. Zapata, L.V. Besteiro, L.N. Quan, R. Quintero-Bermudez, P. Todorovic, S.O. Kelley, A.O. Govorov, S.K. Gray, I. Infante, E.H. Sargent, G.D. Scholes.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 10, 419-426.

“Combining Desmopressin and Docetaxel for the Treatment of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer in an Orthotopic Model.”

R. Bass, D. Roberto, D.Z. Wang, F.P. Cantu, R.M. Mohamadi, S.O. Kelley, L. Klotz, V. Venkateswaran.
Anticancer Res. 2019, 39, 113-118.

“Photochemically Cross-Linked Quantum Well Ligands for 2D/3D Perovskite Photovoltaics with Improved Photovoltage and Stability”

A. H. Proppe, M. Wei, B. Chen, R. Quintero-Bermudez, S. O. Kelley, E. H. Sargent.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 14180-14189.


“Single Cell mRNA Cytometry via Sequence-Specific Nanoparticle Clustering and Trapping.”

M. Labib, R.M. Mohamadi, M. Poudineh, S.U. Ahmed, I. Ivanov, C.L. Huang, M. Moosavi, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Chemistry, 2018, 10, 489-495.

“Prismatic Deflection of Live Tumor Cells and Cell Clusters.”

P.M. Aldridge, M. Mukhopadhyay, S.U. Ahmed, W. Zhou, E. Christinck, R. Makonnen, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Nano. 2018, 12, 12692-12700.

“Three-Dimensional Nanostructured Architectures Enable Efficient Neural Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Mechanotransduction.”

M. Poudineh, Z. Wang, M. Labib, M. Ahmadi, L. Zhang, J. Das, S. Ahmed, S. Angers, S.O. Kelley.
Nano Letters, 2018, 18, 7188-7193.

“Single-Cell Tumbling Enables High-Resolution Size Profiling of Retinal Stem Cells.”

S. Gomis, M. Labib, B.L.K. Coles, D. van der Kooy, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Applied Material Interfaces, 2018, 10, 34811-24816.

“Programmable Metal/Semiconductor Nanostructures for mRNA-Modulated Molecular Delivery.”

L. Zhang, S.R. Jean, X. Li, T. Sack, Z. Wang, S. Ahmed, G. Chan, J. Das, A. Zaragoza, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nano Letters, 2018, 18, 6222-6228.

“Curvature-Mediated Surface Accessibility Enables Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Human Methyltransferase Analysis.”

G. Wang, J. Das, S. Ahmed, C.R. Nemr, L. Zhang, M. Poudineh, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Sensors, 2018, 3, 1765-1772.

“Profiling Circulating Tumour Cells and Other Biomarkers of Invasive Cancers.”

M. Poudineh, E.H. Sargent, K. Pantel, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2018, 2, 74-82.

“Dynamic CTC Phenotypes in Metastatic Prostate Cancer Models Visualized Using Magnetic Ranking Cytometry.”

L. Kermanshah, M. Poudineh, S. Ahmed, L.N.M. Nguyen, S. Srikant, R. Makonnen, F.P. Cantu, M. Corrigan, S.O. Kelley.
Lab on a Chip, 2018, 18, 2055-2064.

“A Multifunctional Chemical Probe for Local Micropolarity and Microviscosity in Mitochondria.”

A. Jiménez-Sánchez, E. Lei, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, 57, 8891-8895.

“Combinatorial Probes for High-Throughput Electrochemical Analysis of Circulating Nucleic Acids.”

J. Das, I. Ivanov, T.S. Safaei, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, 57, 3711-3716.

“A Fully-Integrated and Automated Testing Device for PCR-free Viral Nucleic Acid Detection in Whole Blood.”

W. Liu, J. Das, A.H. Mepham, C.R. Nemr, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Lab on a Chip, 2018, 18, 1928-1935.

“DNA Polymerase Theta Increases Mutation Rates in Mitochondrial DNA.”

S. Wisnovsky, T. Sack, D. J. Pagliarini, R.R. Laposa, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Chemical Biology, 2018, 13, 900-908.

“Pore Shape Defines Paths of Metastatic Cell Migration.”

B.J. Green, M. Panagiotakoloulou, F. M. Pramotton, G. Stefopoulos, S. O. Kelley, D. Poulikakos, A. Ferrari.
Nano Letters, 2018, 18, 2140-2147.

“Mitochondrial Tyrosyl-DNA Phosphodiesterase 2 and its TDP2S Short Isoform.”

S.-Y. N. Huang, I. Dalla Rosa, S.A, Michaels, D.V. Tulumello, K. Agama, S. Khiati, S.R. Jean, S.A. Baechler, V.M. Factor, S. Varma, J. Murai, L.M.M. Jenkins, S.O. Kelley, Y. Pommier.
EMBO Reports, 2018, 19, e42139.

“Picosecond Charge Transfer and Long Carrier Diffusion Lengths in Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids.”

A.H. Proppe, J. Xu, R.P. Sabatini, J.Z. Fan, B. Sun, S. Hoogland, S.O. Kelley, O. Voznyy, E.H. Sargent.
Nano Letters, 2018,18, 7052-7059.

“Multibandgap quantum dot ensembles for solar-matched infrared energy harvesting.”

B. Sun, O. Ouellette, F.P. García de Arquer, O. Voznyy, Y. Kim, M. Wei, A.H. Proppe, M.I. Saidaminov, J. Xu, M. Liu, P. Li, J.Z. Fan, J.W. Jo, H. Tan, F. Tan, S. Hoogland, Z.H. Lu, S.O. Kelley, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 4003.

“Compositional and orientational control in metal halide perovskites of reduced dimensionality.”

R. Quintero-Bermudez, A. Gold-Parker, A.H. Proppe, R. Munir, Z. Yang, S.O. Kelley, A. Amassian, M.F. Toney, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Materials, 2018,10, 900-907.

“Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films on High-Curvature Nanostructures Toward Tandem Electrocatalysis.”

P. De Luna, W. Liang, A. Mallick, O. Shekhah, F.P. García de Arquer, A.H. Proppe, P. Todorović, S.O. Kelley, E.H. Sargent, M. Eddaoudi.
ACS Applied Material Interfaces, 2018, 10, 31225-31232.

“Metal-Organic Frameworks Mediate Cu Coordination for Selective CO2 Electroreduction.”

D.H. Nam, O.S. Bushuyev, J. Li, P. De Luna, A. Seifitokaldani, C.T. Dinh, F.P. García de Arquer, Y. Wang, Z. Liang, A.H. Proppe, C.S. Tan, P. Todorović, O. Shekhah, C.M. Gabardo, J.W. Jo, J. Choi, M.J. Choi, S.W. Baek, J. Kim, D. Sinton, S.O. Kelley, M. Eddaoudi, E.H. Sargent.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 11378-11386.

“2D Metal Oxyhalide-Derived Catalysts for Efficient CO2 Electroreduction.”

F.P. García de Arquer, O.S. Bushuyev, P. De Luna, C.T. Dinh, A. Seifitokaldani, M.I. Saidaminov, C.S. Tan, L.N. Quan, A. Proppe, M.G. Kibria, S.O. Kelley, D. Sinton, E.H. Sargent.
Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, e1802858.

“Activated Electron-Transport Layers for Infrared Quantum Dot Optoelectronics.”

J. Choi, J.W. Jo, F.P.G. de Arquer, Y.B. Zhao, B. Sun, J. Kim, M.J. Choi, S.W. Baek, A.H. Proppe, A. Seifitokaldani, D.H. Nam, P. Li, O. Ouellette, Y. Kim, O. Voznyy, S. Hoogland, S.O. Kelley, Z.H. Lu, E. H. Sargent.
Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1801720.

“2D Matrix Engineering for Homogeneous Quantum Dot Coupling in Photovoltaic Solids.”

J. Xu, O. Voznyy, M. Liu, A.R. Kirmani, G. Walters, R. Munir, M. Abdelsamie, A.H. Proppe, A. Sarkar, F.P. García de Arquer, M. Wei, B. Sun, M. Liu, O. Ouellette, R. Quintero-Bermudez, J. Li, J. Fan, L. Quan, P. Todorovic, H. Tan, S. Hoogland, S.O. Kelley, M. Stefik, A. Amassian, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2018, 13, 456-462.

“Hydronium-Induced Switching between CO2 Electroreduction Pathways.”

A. Seifitokaldani, C.M. Gabardo, T. Burdyny, C.T. Dinh, J.P. Edwards, M.G. Kibria, O.S. Bushuyev, S.O. Kelley, D. Sinton, E.H. Sargent.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 3833-3837.

“Synthetic Control over Quantum Well Width Distribution and Carrier Migration in Low-Dimensional Perovskite Photovoltaics.”

A.H. Proppe, R. Quintero-Bermudez, H. Tan, O. Voznyy, S.O. Kelley, E.H. Sargent.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 2890-2896.

“Electron-Phonon Interaction in Efficient Perovskite Blue Emitters.”

X. Gong, O. Voznyy, A. Jain, W. Liu, R. Sabatini, Z. Piontkowski, G. Walters, G. Bappi, S. Nokhrin, O. Bushuyev, M. Yuan, R. Comin, D. McCamant, S.O. Kelley, E. H. Sargent.
Nature Materials, 2018, 17, 550-556.

“Catalyst Electro-redeposition Controls Morphology and Oxidation State for Selective Carbon Dioxide Reduction.”

P. De Luna, R. Quintero-Bermudez, C. T. Dinh, M. B. Ross, O. S. Bushuyev, P. Todorovic, T. Regier, S. O. Kelley, P. Yang, E. H. Sargent.
Nature Catalysis, 2018, 1, 103-110.


“Tracking the Dynamics of Circulating Tumor Cell Phenotypes Using Nanoparticle-Mediated Magnetic Ranking.”

M. Poudineh, P.M. Aldridge, S. Ahmed, B.J. Green, L. Kermanshah, V. Nguyen, C. Tu, R.M. Mohamadi, R.K. Nam, A. Hansen, S.S. Sridhar, A. Finelli, N.E. Fleshner, A.M. Joshua, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2017, 12, 274-282.

“Multifunctional Quantum Dot DNA Hydrogels.”

L. Zhang, S.R. Jean, S. Ahmed, P.M. Aldridge, X. Li, F. Fan, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 381.

“Bioassays: Universal Sensitivity Booster.”

S.O. Kelley.
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2017, 1, 88.

“Delivery and Release of Small-Molecule Probes in Mitochondria Using Traceless Linkers.”

E.K. Lei, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 9455-9458.

“Amplified Micromagnetic Field Gradients Enable High-Resolution Profiling of Rare Cell Subpopulations”

M. Poudineh, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 9, 25683−2569.

“Power-Free, Digital and Programmable Dispensing of Picoliter Droplets using a Digit Chip”

A. Mepham, J. Besant, A. Weinstein, I. Burgess, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Lab On A Chip, 2017, 17, 1505-1514.

“Biexciton Resonances Reveal Exciton Localization in Stacked Perovskite Quantum Wells.”

M.H. Elkins, R. Pensack, A.H. Proppe, O. Voznyy, L.N. Quan, S.O. Kelley, E.H. Sargent, G.D. Scholes.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8, 3895-3901.

“Chemistry-Driven Approaches to Ultrasensitive Nucleic Acid Detection.”

S.J. Smith, C.R. Nemr, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 1020-1028.

“Profiling Functional and Biochemical Phenotypes of Circulating Tumor Cells Using a Two-Dimensional Sorting Device.”

M. Poudineh, M. Labib, S. Ahmed, L.N.M. Nguyen, L. Kermanshah, R.M. Mohamadi, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56, 163-168.

“Isolation of Phenotypically-Distinct Cancer Cells using Nanoparticle-Mediated Sorting.”

B.J. Green, L. Kermanshah, M. Labib, S.U. Ahmed, P.N. Silva, L. Mahmoudian, I.-H. Chang, R.M. Mohamadi, J.V. Rocheleau, S.O. Kelley,
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 9, 20435-20443.

“Biomolecular Steric Hindrance Effects Are Enhanced on Nanostructured Microelectrodes.”

S.S. Mahshid, A. Vallee-Belisle, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 9751-9757.

“Steric Hindrance Assay for Secreted Factors in Stem Cell Culture.”

W. Zhou, S.S. Mahshid, W. Wang, A. Vallee-Belisle, P.W. Zandstra, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Sensors, 2017, 2, 495-500.

“High-Curvature Nanostructuring Enhances Probe Display for Biomolecular Detection.”

P. De Luna, S.S. Mahshid, J. Das, B. Luan, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley, R. Zhou.
Nano Letters, 2017, 17, 1289-1295.

“Electrochemical DNA-Based Immunoassay That Employs Steric Hindrance to Detect Small Molecules Directly in Whole Blood.”

S.S. Mahshid, F. Ricci, S.O. Kelley, A. Vallee-Belisle.
ACS Sensors, 2017, 2, 718-723.

“Broadband Epsilon-near-Zero Reflectors Enhance the Quantum Efficiency of Thin Solar Cells at Visible and Infrared Wavelengths.”

A.J. Labelle, M. Bonifazi, Y. Tian, C. Wong, S. Hoogland, G. Favraud, G. Walters, B. Sutherland, M. Liu, J. Li, X. Zhang, S.O. Kelley, E.H. Sargent, A. Fratalocchi.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 9, 5556-5565.

“Mixed Quantum Dot Solar Cells.”

Z. Yang, J. Z Fan, A.H. Proppe, F. P. García de Arquer, D. Rossouw, O. Voznyy, X. Lan, M. Liu, G. Walters, R. Quintero-Bermudez, B. Sun, S. Hoogland, S.O. Kelley, E. H. Sargent.

Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 1325.


“Mitochondrial DNA Repair and Replication Proteins Revealed by Targeted Chemical Probes.”

S. Wisnovsky, S.R. Jean, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Chemical Biology, 2016, 12, 567-573.

“DNA Clutch Probes for Circulating Tumor DNA Analysis.”

J. Das, I. Ivanov, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 11009-11016.

“Mechanistic Control of the Growth of Three-Dimensional Gold Sensors.”

S. Mahshid, A.H. Mepham, S.S. Mahshid, I.B. Burgess, T.S.Safaei, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2016, 120, 21123-21132.

“Interrogating Circulating Microsomes and Exosomes Using Metal Nanoparticles.”

Y.-G. Zhou, R.M. Mohamadi, M. Poudineh, L. Kermanshah, S. Ahmed, T.S. Safaei, R.K. Nam, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nano Micro Small, 2016, 12, 727-732.

“Beyond CTC Capture: Next-Generation Devices and Materials.”

B. Green, T. Saberi Safaei, A. Mepham, M. Labib, R.M. Mohamadi, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016, 55, 1252-1265.

“Mitochondrial Chemical Biology: New Probes Elucidate the Secrets of the Powerhouse of the Cell.”

S. Wisnovsky, E.K. Lei, S.R. Jean, S.O. Kelley.
Cell Chemical Biology, 2016, 23, 917-927.

“Image-Reversal Soft Lithography: Fabrication of Ultrasensitive Biomolecular Detectors.”

T.S.S. Safaei, J. Das, S.S. Mahshid, P.M. Aldridge, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2016, 5, 893-899.

“Electrochemical Methods for the Analysis of Clinically-Relevant Biomolecules.”

M. Labib, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Chemical Reviews, 2016, 116, 9001-9090.

“Aptamer and Antisense-Mediated Two-Dimensional Isolation of Specific Cancer Cell Subpopulations.”

M. Labib, B. Green, R. Mohamadi, A. Mepham, S. Ahmed, L. Mahmoudian, I.-H. Chang, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 2476-2479.

“Enhanced Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction via Field-Inducted Reagent Concentration.”

M. Liu, Y. Pang, B. Zhang, P. De Luna, O. Voznyy, J. Xu, X. Zheng, C. T. Dinh, F. Fan, C. Cao, F. P. García de Arquer, T. S. Safaei, A. Mepham, A. Klinkova, E. Kumacheva, T. Filleter, D. Sinton, S.O. Kelley and E. H. Sargent.
Nature, 2016, 537, 382-386.

“High-Density Nanosharp Microstructures Enable Efficient Carbon Dioxide Electroreduction.”

T.S. Safaei, A. Mepham, X. Zheng, Y. Pang, C.-T. Dinh, D. Sinton, S.O. Kelley, E.H. Sargent.
Nano Letters, 2016, 11, 7224-7228.

“Mitochondria-Targeted Doxorubicin: a New Therapeutic Strategy Against Doxorubicin-Resistant Osteosarcoma.”

I. Buondonno, E. Gazzano, S.R. Jean, V. Audrito, J. Kopecka, M. Fanelli, I. C. Salaroglio, C. Costamagna, I. Roato, E. Mungo, C. M. Hattinger, S. Deaglio, S.O. Kelley, M. Serra, C. Riganti.
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 2016, 15, 2640-2652.

“Peptide-Mediated Delivery of Chemical Probes and Therapeutics to Mitochondria.”

S.R. Jean, M. Ahmed, E.K. Lai, S.P. Wisnovsky.
Accounts of Chemical Research, 2016, 49, 1893-1902.


“An Electrochemical Clamp Assay for Direct, Rapid Analysis of Circulating Nucleic Acids in Serum.”

J. Das, I. Ivanov, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Chemistry, 2015, 7, 569-575.

“Peptide Targeting of an Antibiotic Prodrug Towards Phagosome-Entrapped Mycobacteria.”

M.P. Pereira, J. Shi, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Infectious Disease, 2015, 1, 586-592.

“Mitochondrial Targeting of Doxorubicin Eliminates Nuclear Effects Associated with Cardiotoxicity.”

S.R. Jean, D.V. Tulumello, C. Riganti, S.U. Liyanage, A.D. Schimmer, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Chemical Biology, 2015, 10, 2007-2015.

“Disease Detectors.”

S.O. Kelley.
Scientific American, 2015, 313, 49-51.

“Fractal Circuit Sensors Enable Rapid Quantification of Biomarkers for Donor Lung Assessment for Transplantation.”

A.T. Sage, J.D. Besant, L. Mahmoudian, M. Poudineh, X. Bai, R. Zamel, M. Hsin, E.H. Sargent, M. Cypel, M. Liu, S. Keshavjee, S.O. Kelley.
Science Advances, 2015, 1, e1500417. (featured in C&E News)

“Using the Inherent Chemistry of the Endothelin-1 Peptide to Develop a Rapid Assay for Pre-transplant Donor Lung Assessment.”

A.T. Sage, X. Bai, M. Cypel, M. Liu, S. Keshavjee, S.O. Kelley.
Analyst, 2015, 140, 8092-8096.

“Sorting of Circulating Tumor Cells by Epithelial Antigen Expression during Disease Progression in an Animal Model.”

N. Muhanna, A. Mepham, R. Mohamadi, H. Chan, T. Khan, M. Akens, J.D. Besant, J. Irish, S.O. Kelley.
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 2015, 11, 1613-1616.

“In Situ Electrochemical ELISA for Specific Identification of Captured Cancer Cells.”

T. Saberi Safaei, R.M. Mohamadi, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Applied Material Interfaces, 2015, 7, 14165-14169. *Selected as an ACS Editors Choice Article

“Sample-to-Answer Isolation and mRNA Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells.”

R. M. Mohamadi, I. Ivanov, J. Stojcic, R.K. Nam, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87, 6258–6264.

“Rapid Electrochemical Phenotypic Profiling of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria.”

J.D. Besant, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Lab on a Chip, 2015, 15, 2799-2807.

“Programmable Definition of Nanogap Electronic Devices with Self-Inhibited Reagent Depletion.”

B. Lam, W. Zhou, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 6940.

“Ultrasensitive Visual Readout of Nucleic Acids using Electrocatalytic Fluid Displacement.”

J.D. Besant, J. Das, I.B. Burgess, W. Liu, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 6978.

“Velocity Valleys Enable Efficient Capture and Spatial Sorting of Nanoparticle-Bound Cancer Cells.”

J.D. Besant, R.M. Mohamadi, P. Aldridge, Y.Li, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 6278-6285.

“Nanoparticle-Mediated Binning and Profiling of Heterogeneous Circulating Tumor Cell Subpopulations.”

R.M. Mohamadi, I. Ivanov, J.D. Besant, A. Malvea, A. Mepham, A.L. Allan, L.E. Lowes, R.K. Nam, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 127, 141-145. (featured in Science, “Editor’s Choice”).

“A Digital Microfluidic Device with Integrated Nanostructured Microelectrodes for Electrochemical Immunoassays.”

D.G. Rackus, M.D.M. Dryden, A. Zaragoza, J. Lamanna, B. Lam, S.O. Kelley, A.R. Wheeler.
Lab on a Chip, 2015, 15, 3776-3784.


“Highly Specific Electrochemical Analysis of Cancer Cells using Multi-Nanoparticle Labeling.”

Y. Wan, Y. Zhou, M. Poudineh, T. Saberi Safaei, R.M. Mohamadi, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53, 13361-13365.

“Effect of Microelectrode Structure on Electrocatalysis at Nucleic Acid-Modified Sensors.”

Y. Zhou, Y. Wan, A. Sage, M. Poudineh, S.O. Kelley.
Langmuir, 2014, 30, 14322-14328.

“Structural Modifications of Mitochondria-Targeted Chlorambucil Alter Cell Death Mechanism but Preserve MDR Evasion.”

S.R. Jean, M.P. Pereira, S.O. Kelley.
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2014, 8, 2675-2682.

“Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Biomolecular Detection using Nanostructured Microelectrodes.”

A.T. Sage, J.D. Besant, B. Lam, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Accounts of Chemical Research, 2014, 47, 2417-2425.

“Three-Dimensional, Sharp-Tipped Electrodes Concentrate Applied Fields to Enable Direct Electrical Release of Intact Biomarkers from Cells.”

M. Poudineh, R. Mohamedi, A. Sage, L. Mahmoudian, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Lab on a Chip, 2014, 14, 1785-1790.

“Advancing the Speed, Sensitivity and Accuracy of Biomolecular Detection with Multi-Length Scale Engineering.”

S.O. Kelley, C.A. Mirkin, D.R. Walt, R.F. Ismagilov, M. Toner, E.H. Sargent.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2014, 9, 969-980.

“Cellular Uptake of Substrate-Initiated Cell-Penetrating Poly(disulfide)s.”

G. Giulio, E.-K. Bang, G. Molinard, D. Tulumello, S. Ward, S.O. Kelley, A. Roux, N. Sakai, S. Matile.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136, 6069-6074.

“Molecular Vehicles for Mitochondrial Chemical Biology and Drug Delivery.”

S.R. Jean, D.V. Tulumello, S.P. Wisnovsky, E.K. Lei, M.P. Pereira, S.O.Kelley.
ACS Chemical Biology, 2014, 9, 323-333.


“Targeting Mitochondrial DNA with a Platinum-Based Anticancer Agent.”

S.P. Wisnovsky, J.J. Wilson, R. J. Radford, M.P. Pereira, M. Chan, R. Laposa, S.J. Lippard, S.O. Kelley.
Chemistry and Biology, 2013, 20, 1323-1328.

“Proximal Bacterial Lysis and Detection in Nanoliter Wells Using Electrochemistry.”

J.D. Besant, J. Das, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Nano, 2013, 7, 8183-8189.

“Tuning the Intracellular Bacterial Targeting of Peptidic Vectors.”

E. Lei, M. P. Pereira, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52, 9660-9663.

“Solution-Based Circuits Enable Rapid and Multiplexed Pathogen Detection.”

B. Lam, R.D. Holmes, L. Live, A. Sage, E. H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Communications, 2013, 4, 2001.

“Tuning the Bacterial Detection Sensitivity of Nanostructured Microelectrodes.”

J. Das, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85, 7333-7338.

“Targeted Delivery of Doxorubicin to Mitochondria.”

G. Chamberlain, D.V Tulumello, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Chemical Biology, 2013, 8, 1389-1395.

“An Electrochemical ELISA Featuring Proximal Reagent Generation: Detection of HIV Antibodies in Clinical Samples.”

A. Bhimji, A. Zaragoza, L. Live, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85, 6813-6819.

“Optimized Templates for Bottom-Up Growth of High-Performance Integrated Biomolecular Detectors.”

B. Lam, R.D. Holmes, J. Das, M. Poudineh, A. Sage, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Lab on a Chip, 2013, 13, 2569-2575.

“Re-directing an Alkylating Agent to Mitochondria Alters Drug Target and Cell Death Mechanism.”

R. Mourtada, S. B. Fonseca, S.P. Wisnovsky, M.P. Pereira, X. Wang, R. Hurren, J. Parfitt, L. Larsen, R.A.J. Smith, M.P. Murphy, A.D. Schimmer, S.O. Kelley.
PLOS One, 2013, 8, e60253.

“Chip-Based Nanostructured Sensors Enable Accurate Identification and Classification of Circulating Tumor Cells in Prostate Cancer Patient Blood Samples .”

I. Ivanov, J. Stojcic, A. Stanimirovic, E. Sargent, R.K. Nam, S.O. Kelley.
Analalytical Chemistry, 2013, 85, 398-403.

“DNA-Based Programming of Quantum Dot Properties.”

K.B. Cederquist, S.O. Kelley.
WIREs: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 2013, 5, 86-96.


“An Ultrasensitve, Universal Detector Based on Neutralizer Displacement.”

J. Das, K.B. Cederquist, P. Lee, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Chemistry, 2012, 4, 642-648.

“Polymerase Chain Reaction-Free, Sample-to-Answer Bacterial Detection in 30 Minutes with Integrated Cell Lysis.”

B. Lam, Z. Fang, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Analalytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 21-25.

“Tuning the Activity of Mitochondria-Penetrating Peptides for Delivery or Disruption.”

K.L. Horton, M.P. Pereira, K.M. Stewart, S.B. Fonseca, S.O. Kelley.
ChemBioChem, 2012, 13, 476-485.

“Nanostructured Biomolecular Detectors: Pushing Performance at the Nanoscale.”

K.B. Cederquist, S.O. Kelley.
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 2012, 16, 415.


“DNA-Based Programming of Quantum Dot Valency, Self-Assembly, and Luminescence”

G. Tikhomirov, S. Hoogland, P.E. Lee, A. Fischer, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2011, 6, 485.

“Direct Genetic Analysis of Ten Cancer Cells: Tuning Molecular Probe Design for Efficient mRNA Capture”

E. Vasilyeva, Z. Fang, M. Minden, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011, 50, 4137.

“Maximizing the Therapeutic Window of an Antimicrobial Drug by Imparting Mitochondrial Sequestration in Human Cells “

M.P. Pereira, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 3260.

“Hierarchical Nanotextured Microelectrodes Overcome the Molecular Transport Barrier to Achieve Rapid, Direct Bacterial Detection”

L. Soleymani, Z. Fang, B. Lam, X. Bin, E. Vasilyeva, A. Ross, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Nano, 2011, 5, 3360.

“Peptide-Chlorambucil Conjugates Combat Pgp-Dependent Drug Efflux”

S.B. Fonseca, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2011, 2, 419.

“Re-routing Chlorambucil to Mitochondria Enhances Potency and Combats Drug Resistance in Cancer Cells”

S.B. Fonseca, M.P. Pereira, R. Mourtada, M. Gronda, R. Hurren, M.D. Minden, A.D. Schimmer, S.O. Kelley.
Chemistry and Biology, 2011, 18, 445.


“Nanostructuring of Sensors Determines the Hybridization of Biomolecular Capture.”

X. Bin, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 5928.

“Nucleic Acid-Passivated Nanocrystals: Biomolecular Templating of Form and Function.”

N. Ma, G. Tikhomirov, S.O. Kelley.
Accounts of Chemical Research, 2010, 43, 173.

“The Antiparasitic Agent Ivermectin Induces Chloride-Dependent Membrane Hyperpolarization and Cell Death in Leukemia Cells.”

S. Sharmeen, M. Skrtic, M.A Sukhai, R. Hurren, M. Gronda, X. Wang, S.B. Fonseca, H. Sun, M.D. Minden. R. Batey, A. Datti, J. Wrana, S.O. Kelley, A.D. Schimmer.
Blood, 2010, 116, 3593.


“Programming the Detection Limits of Biosensors through Controlled Nanostructuring.”

L. Soleymani, Z. Fang, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2009, 4, 844.

“Direct Profiling of Cancer Biomarkers in Tumour Tissue Using a Multiplexed Nanostructured Microelectrode Integrated Circuit. “

Z. Fang, L. Soleymani, G. Pampalakis, M. Yoshimoto, J.A. Squire, E. H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
ACS Nano, 2009, 3, 3207.

“Nanostructuring of Patterned Microelectrodes to Enhance the Sensitivity of Electrochemical Nucleic Acids Detection. “

L. Soleymani, X. Sun, H. Yang, B.J. Taft, E. H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2009, 48, 8457.

“Recent Advances in the Biological and Medical Applications of Cell-Penetrating Peptides.”

S.B. Fonseca, M. Pereira, S.O. Kelley.
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2009, 61, 953.

“One-step Synthesis of DNA-Programmed Semiconductor Nanocrystals.”

N. Ma, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2009, 4, 121.

“Direct Electrocatalytic mRNA Detection Using PNA-Nanowire Sensors.”

Z. Fang, S.O. Kelley.
Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81, 612.

“An Electrochemical Immunosensor Based on Antibody-Nanowire Conjugates.”

G. Pampalakis, S.O. Kelley.
The Analyst, 2009, 134, 447.

“Mitochondria-Penetrating Peptides: Sequence Effects and Model Cargo Transport.”

L. Yousif, K.M. Stewart, K.L. Horton, S.O. Kelley.
ChemBioChem, 2009, 10, 2081.

“Engineered Apoptosis-Inducing Peptides with Enhanced Mitochondrial Localization and Potency.”

K.L. Horton, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 52, 3293.

“Targeting Mitochondria with Organelle-Specific Compounds: Strategies and Applications.”

L. Yousif, K.M. Stewart, S.O. Kelley.
ChemBioChem, 2009, 10, 1939.

“Nanomaterials for Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Biosensing.”

H. Lord, S.O. Kelley.
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009, 19, 3127.

“A General Phase-Transfer Protocol for Metal Ions and its Application in Nanocrystal Synthesis. “

J. Yang, E.H. Sargent, S.O. Kelley, J. Ying.
Nature Materials, 2009, 4, 844.

“Potential Use of Cetrimonium Bromide as an Apoptosis-Promoting Anticancer Agent for Head and Neck Cancer..”

E. Ito, K.W. Yip D. Katz, S.B. Fonseca, D.W. Hedley, S. Chow, G.W Xu, T.E. Wood, C. Bastianutto, A.D. Schimmer, S.O. Kelley, F.F. Liu.
Molecular Pharmacology, 2009, 76, 969.


“Cell-Permeable Peptides as Delivery Vehicles for Biology and Medicine.”

K.M. Stewart, K.L. Horton, S.O. Kelley.
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2008, 6, 2242.

“Mitochondria-Penetrating Peptides.”

K.L. Horton, K.M. Stewart, S.B. Fonseca, Q. Guo, S.O. Kelley.
Chemistry & Biology, 2008, 15, 375.

“Measurement Science: the Engine of Chemical Biology.”

S.O. Kelley, D.R. Walt.
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 2008, 12, 473.

“A Comparison of Quality of Dispersion of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes using Different Surfactants and Biomolecules.”

R. Haggenmueller, S. Rahatekar, J. Fagen, J. Chun, M. Becker, R. Naik, T. Krauss, L. Carlson, J. Kadla, P. Trulove, D. Fox, H. DeLong, Z. Fang, S.O. Kelley, J. Gilman.
Langmuir, 2008, 24, 5070.

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